The Mike Cutmore Website!

movie reviews

It is here that you can view my list of short reviews on the latest films as I see them. Every new visit I make to the Cinema, I update to the latest. You can also observe when and where I actually saw them! You may find that unlike hype and biased press or fan reviews or reports (which of course I am immune to!); I hopefully never spoil your entertainment by giving away any plots or surprises! Where possible I have also linked to the official trailers for many of these movies.

I make a visit to the cinema a rare event, and am very choosy with the films I decide to actually spend money on for entertainment. There's nothing worse than being stuck in the cinema on a nice sunny day, when one could be out in the fresh air! Typically though, I only get to the cinema to see on average at least a couple of three films a year, depending on what I perceive as being something worth seeing in all it's silver screen glory.

I've actually seen these movies, and as an 'uninformed casual observer' I would like to think that I can sometimes comment on the things the 'informed' comment on all too often. I admit that I am not the slightest bit 'in the know - about the politics, nature or reason behind any of these films. I have not even taken a glimpse, let alone listened to, any press reports or write-ups by anyone prior to writing what you see below.

I can't say fairer than that, can I? Enter a search string to see if what you're looking for is buried in my CINEMA VISITS I even review films that I see on TV now too! Courtesy of my Ginq page, which also posts to my twitter & facebook profiles too!