The Mike Cutmore Website!

My Philosophy

I read the rules and thought, now I really agree with those!!

I believe that one 'works to live' in life. For me 'very important' time involves enjoying aspects of leisure to the full. Anything that one enjoys doing whole-heartedly is all that really matters, once we've paid the price for it.

After always hearing excuses or complaints that people had 'too little time' to do things that I really thought actually 'needed to be done,' I thought deeply: One has the same amount of time per day that everyone else has...24 hours. We can't get more time than we have allotted. What we need is the discipline to use the time we've got more wisely. A Teacher once said to me that 'there is no such thing as not having time- you just get up early'!

One of life's greatest time wasters is a cluttered messy living space. How often have you wasted valuable time trying to find things? Follow the old adage that says, 'Everything has a place and everything should be in its place!'

HEALTHY HABITS. The body needs adequate rest, proper nutrition, and energetic exercise to fight off fatigue and extend life. I believe that the only secret of prolonging life is to avoid shortening it! Give your body what it needs and have the energy to 'live'. Get adequate sleep. Eat a healthy diet. Get fresh air- go for walks.

AVOID WASTERS. Do you know people like that? Do they 'live to work?' Do you know individuals whose attitudes literally suck the life out of you? Then make it a practice to avoid any contact with these people that is not absolutely necessary.


Keeping up with the Jones isn't easy. We'd all like the 'top of the range' computer. Plasma TV or pair of leather trousers! But what few seem to see is that it's really 'what you do with' these pieces of kit that really matters! If you are not willing to part with your television completely (I'm not either) then we should at least learn which button turns the set off...and then develop the courage to use that button. The idea of course, is to spend as much time as possible interacting with our loved ones.

You only have 24 hour allotted each day. Don't be a 'waster'!


Religion tends to boast of its martyrs; indeed it would seem throughout history, that the very seed of the church itself almost consists entirely of the blood of martyrs, but it is not the suffering, but the cause of it, that makes a martyr. Whereas it is probably better to be a martyr than a confessor, I really do believe that the ink of the scholar is more holy. It's all very metaphorical stuff far removed from the reality of everyday life. Whereas I have NO personal religious convictions, I believe that 'God' IS 'love' and that 'love' (God) is a creator due to the reproductive conception of children because of the relationship (hopefully 'love') between man and woman.

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