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Sex in the City 2 (15)
29/05/10 Cineworld, Braintree

Strangely believe it or not I had never seen sex in the city on TV; neither had I even caught a glimpse of the previous first movie. Where on earth have I been then I hear you ask!

One thing that I normally don't really enjoy is watching movie sequels before seeing the original firsts, usually because I like to follow things through in an organised kind of fashion, but you know what it seemed to make little difference here.

Straight past Alicia Keys fantastic signature New York theme the screenplay then moved into the feature portrayal and attendance of a gay wedding which made me wonder what I would have to witness in the next few hours.

Things quickly moved on into watching the ladies endure a visit to the middle east and at times there were moments that actually bordered on hilarious.

I was entertained throughout and enjoyed for the most part all of the film. Although the modern New York music track was interspersed later with a much older Cyndi Lauper audio track, which I wouldn't have put in myself as it sounded somewhat too familiar. I've heard that particular track on many a movie before.

Almost as good as watching a fashion show otherwise as our ladies go fully equipped with the full wardrobes of designer gear.

This was an excellent hd digital presentation and it's superb to see modern Cinema slowly moving away from celluloid.

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